Mr. President, Tear Down That Grid!


Back in 1998 this (then a 40–year–old) author, wrote a piece called: Mr. President, Tear Down That Grid! I postal mailed it, addressed to Bill Clinton at the White House. Oddly, I never got any replies ;–). The summary of it was to bring about the eventual end of the national grid, breaking it up so that there were no more transmission (or long distribution) lines; that all electricity, by law, must be generated within a dozen or so miles from point of generation to the plug.

The problem with electricity production is mainly an expansive grid; it is a gluttonous resource Leviathan itself. But what centralization does (for many things) is it provides ownership and/or control of that product. If everyone produced their own power, there would be no "profit in perpetuity" to gluttonously enrich the few at the expense of all. And that is the very paradigm of capitalism itself: Exploitation in the devout service of Mammon!

Everywhere that the subject of electrical generation takes place, one thing is never brought up; eliminating the electrical grid all together. It is always (and only) about how the generation is taking place at the source, or how it is being consumed. Why is that? After all, the only real problem with how electrical generation takes place, is the grid itself. So why ignore this proverbial bull in the china cabinet? Wealth hoarding! The capitalist's monikers: Profit Before People & Profit Before Planet!

Hypothetical: If I owned every farm, every food distribution hub, and every grocery store on Earth, I would be a god; I could literally control everyone. Defy me and I would just let people starve to literal death. I would have so much power, that the nations of the world, via their military forces, would have no choice but to usurp that power. This is why fair competition laws were made to begin with, though they still have no teeth (and this is just a hypothetical).

Rather than investing any more into the US grid, we could take that same money and put (the current overstock of) solar panels on nearly very building on the continent; then add to that portable wind mills; use geothermal where it is cost–viable; and most importantly, invent ways to use far less with hyper–efficiency paradigms. But inhumans cannot think in human terms; they are horrifyingly trapped in serving money. Therefore, it is all profits and costs, today.

As with Big Car, Big Oil and Big Road, Big–E, and all who profit from all that exists therein, work collectively, to covertly push the blame onto others. Getting the masses to fight one another, all the while, the wealth–class milk them dry; this has been among the longest running con within the human condition: Ponzi Economics. No wonder they think most are gullible: There is observable truth to it!

In part, this is what causes Personal Greenwashing. Just as corporate greenwashing is becoming a major business advertising investment to cloak activities, so too, do consumers mentally green wash, who are equally to blame. The millennia–old Tobacco Industry has made zero dollars from this consumer, because I do not buy from them. To believe one has no choice but to financially enable any business, is itself a sign of gullibility. And that mentality causes cognitive dissonance, and with Social Media, such dissonance exposes itself in bouts of public anger, where blame–shifting and finger–pointing reign.

The problem is always the same; since only a fraction of the human species can see much beyond their own very tiny world (see Enculturation), trying to teach them something they would need a dozen decades as full–time students, just to comprehend; well, suffice it to say, humans are doomed! The species simply does not live long enough to learn what a Spiritually transformed human learns annually: And we account for 1/4 of 1% of our species!

Who Better To Speak For Creation Than An Oracle Of The Creator!

We, as the Elect of YHVH, take on the mind of Messiah; we harbor the same intellectual potential as YHVH (with unlimited wisdom). To be clear here, Christians, Muslims and others, are not openly professing themselves as Messianic disciples, and thus, they are not counted by Adonai our Elohim, to be among the Elect of YHVH. Love is the visible and measurable dividing line.

Clearly, YHVH refuses to pierce the ten–mile thick titanium barrier of human pride! The bulk of humanity are driven by pride–ego–emotion, versus the very few on Narrow Way, who are driven by Love–wisdom–humility. The evidence is, in part, witnessed in lifestyle choices. E.g. No Love conquered individual owns or uses cars, and could not so much as imagine doing so. But the bulk of humanity are trapped in monkey–see–monkey–do; they all suffer from Victimism.

So, we must live on a planet overrun by people who cannot and do not Love, nor can they really even comprehend Love. The consequence of that is literally, all that can be seen and measured on Earth. But, that requires Spiritual sight! Love is to live as if everyone is your child; that Earth is the Lord's and you are merely its steward passing through. As for fossil fuels, we who Love prefer to leave it in the ground. As for consumerism and wealth hoarding, these are failed attempts at filling a Spiritual void with material things.

The E–Grid is unnecessary, as is the Car Cult; cars are the single major danger to all life; it is new, to Earth itself but also to the human experience: Humans survived for millennia without cars. We need food and clothing and homes, and unconventional Smart Homes are self–powered. Notwithstanding, ancient Prophets foresaw all of this; the 5–A is and will happen: Apostasy; Anthropocene; Abomination; Armageddon; Apocalypse!

The wealth–class rule everything, and reign over everyone (the money–dependent money–loving masses), and have been doing so for many millennia, it will ultimately be up to them. Pledges for change (including but not exclusive to greenwashing) are proclaimed publicly to appeal to some sect of society, typically to generate more revenue; tourism, investment, etc. It will, of course, never happen: Ever, not even a century from now.

How could it? We as a species, will be at the beginning of real change, starting the week after the continental grid has been dismantled and recycled, and the Car Cult is gone. All power must be generated at or near the source of use; this will drive the manufacturers of things like refrigerators and HVAC equipment, and other more necessary items, to run on a fraction of the power they currently consume.

We must create local power plants that would run an Industry Park, using solar, wind, hydro and geothermal; and in combos when and where possible, with highly efficient LPG back–up generators as supplement in rare events. The Car Cult must end; all Asphalt roadways would be recycled; those already carved out pathways, reused or replaced with elevated Mag–lift type, short and long–range travel, returning the bulk of Earth's surface to its garden state.

The solutions are easy; I could easily teach all of this to grade–school kids who would totally get it! However, getting egocentric power–hungry and greed–blinded adults, to let go of their habitual ways, is massively difficult. Pride is the greatest corporeal force in the Cosmos, which better explains the Messianic Cross and Narrow Way, in stark contrast to the Broadway masses (Matt 7:13–14).

The wealth–class, who have been converting Earth into dollars to hoard for self–empowerment (mostly hydrocarbons or precious metals), will surely want to continue to ravage this planet for personal gain: This madness must be stopped. But it won't! Not by the power of humans alone.

If Earth could support it (and it won't), this planetary rape would continue unabated for millennia. This is not mere human greed; all mammals are intrinsically aware of habitat limitations. Only humans operate in disregard for theirs, and thus, it is a paranormal display; most humans are unwittingly driven by demonic forces.

Remember, YHVH created and owns everything, but YHVH gave Satan, Earth; not the planet itself, but to be the god of the human race. As (the book of) Job teaches us so beautifully, YHVH is allowing the proverbial bowling ball to roll down the lane of time, uninterrupted, so that the superpower of volition will present itself, through us; for good and evil. YHVH is assembling a Family, but will only accept those dedicated to Love.

Elohim so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Adon, so that whoever believes Him, would not perish, but have everlasting life. For Elohim sent not Adonai into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world through Him could be saved. Those that believe Him are not condemned; but those that do not believe, are condemned already, because they have not believed in the Name of the only begotten Adon of Elohim. And this is the condemnation; that Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light; neither will come to the light, lest their deeds should be exposed. But those that do truth, comes into the light so their deeds may be made manifest; that they are performed by Elohim! (John 3:16–21)

Therefore, since we have this ministry; because we received mercy we do not lose heart. We have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness, or adulterating the word of Elohim, but by the manifestation of truth, we commend ourselves unto everyone's conscience, in the sight of Elohim. But if the Gospel is veiled, it is veiled unto those who are perishing; in their case, the god of this world {Satan} has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, so that they do not see the light; the Gospel of the glory of Yeshua The Messiah, the Image of Elohim. For we do not preach ourselves, but Messiah Yeshua as Lord, and ourselves as your servants on behalf of Messiah Yeshua. (2Co 4:1–5)

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